
14th annual ECC Conference June 12-14, 2022, in-person at Marist College – Call for Papers and Registration is OPEN!

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Join us for the 14th Annual Enterprise Computing Community (ECC) Conference, hosted at Marist College on June 12 – 14, 2022.

The Conference will include presentations and Q & A sessions with keynote and invited speakers, and technical/educational presenters, as well as networking events and opportunities to connect with sponsors.


Conference Themes



Though all areas of cybersecurity will be welcome, we’re especially interested in hearing about how industry and academia are dealing with the increase in new security threats such as privacy, ransomware attacks, cryptomining, and proof of authenticity. We are interested in hearing about what strategies, technologies, training, and other solutions companies utilized in dealing with these threats.



Our interest in this topic focuses on the intersection of society and technology. How changes in society drives development of technology and how technology drive changes in society. How does people’s behavior influence the future of technology and how does technology influence how people behave? Topics includes the relationship between healthcare and technology, including how technology can affect healthcare insurance premiums, telemedicine and the level of technology and cost of healthcare. We would also like to hear about strategies to combat bias in AI systems, the effects of ethics in AI, and how to re-evaluate our instruction methods to meet expectations and demands of the future of AI technology for a changing workforce.

Presentations and Papers may cover other Enterprise Computing topics.


Call for Participation!  We are back in-person!

Call for Papers: Seeking papers, presentations and panels. Deadline, May 13, 2022, for Abstracts and 2-5 page Papers for Award Consideration. Speakers welcome from faculty, students and industry to present on a variety of topics.

Submit presentation abstracts and papers here or through the link on the 2022 ECC Conference Website


Registration Is Open.  Visit our website for updates.


There is no charge to attend the ECC Conference.  There is a $25 fee to attend the optional Monday Evening Networking Event on Monday, June 13, 2022, a reception with music, drinks, and appetizers outside by the Hudson River.


Keynote Speakers


Elpida Tzortzatos, IBM Fellow – CTO, AI on IBM Z. 

Michael W. Kattan, PhD, the Dr. Keyhan and Dr. Jafar Mobasseri Endowed Chair for Innovations in Cancer Research and Chair Department of Quatitative Health Sciences, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic.

Broadcom Panel: George Decandio, Chief Technology Officer; Nicole Fagen, Director, Engineering, AIOps & Automation; Matt Hogstrom, Distinguished Engineer, AIOps & Automation, Broadcom Mainframe Software Division



Visit our website for updates:


Please share with colleagues and students! 


Looking forward to being back in person this year!




Cynthia Worrad

Assistant Dean, School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Marist College

3399 North Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

Hancock 3012
Tel:  845-575-3611
[email protected]

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